受哈工大国际合作处及数学系的邀请,法国图卢兹第三大学Fabrice Deluzet高级研究工程师于1月13日至19日访问我校并讲学,欢迎老师和同学与其讨论交流。 报告题目:Low frequency models of kinetic plasma descriptions 地点:数学系会议室(格物楼503) 时间:2017年1月15日(周日)上午9:00 报告摘要:In these talks we review the derivation of low frequency fluid models as asymptotic limit of kinetic plasma description. The purpose of this work is to provide suitable criteria to explain the transition from kinetic to fluid low frequency models. The derivation of Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic models from the Vlasov-Mawell system is first investigated. Electrostatic regimes are then investigated with the formal derivation of the electron adiabatic response (Boltzmann relation) from the Vlasov-Poisson system. Fabrice Deluzet高级研究工程师简介:F. Deluzet在求解流体方程和动力学方程邻域有多年的丰富经验。在计算数学著名期刊中,发表过多篇关于等离子体数学建模、渐近(AP)算法的高水平文章。 |