应数学系方健教授,王春程副教授邀请,香港理工大学应用数学系王志安教授将于2016年12月27日访问哈工大数学系,并作学术报告。欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学参加。 报告时间:2016年12月27日,格物楼503,上午10:00-11:00 报告题目:Stability of Boundary Layers Arising from Chemotaxis Models 报告摘要:We consider the stability of boundary layer solutions to a hyperbolic system transformed from a chemotaxis system modeling the initiation of tumor angiogenesis. By imposing appropriate Dirichlet boundary conditions, we show that as the chemical diffusion vanishes, the solution converges to the solution of the corresponding non-diffusive problem plus boundary layer solutions determined by the initial-boundary value problem of heat equations with exponential decay over time in the half line. We further show that the boundary layer thickness if of order the square root of the chemical diffusion and that the convergence rate of boundary layer solutions obtained is optimal. 报告人简介:王志安,香港理工大学应用数学系教授,2007年在加拿大University of Alberta获得博士学位,曾先后在美国University of Minnesota,Vanderbilt University做过博士后与访问助理教授。王志安教授主要研究领域包括偏微分方程和生物数学,并在J. Differential Equations, SIAM J. Appl. Math., Nonlinearity等国际著名期刊上发表43篇学术论文。 个人主页:http://www.mypolyuweb.hk/~mawza/ |