应哈工大国际合作处的邀请,美国康涅狄格大学数学系Kyu-Hwan Lee副教授将于近日来我校进行讲学并带来系列报告,具体信息如下: 报告题目-1:Casselman-Shalika formula 报告时间:2016年5月23日14:00 报告地点:格物楼503 摘要:The Casselman--Shalika formula describes a spherical Whittaker function using the root system and the character of an irreducible representation of the dual group. The formula not only plays a fundamental role in the theory of p-adic groups and automorphic forms, but also connects many different constructions in mathematics, such as Schubert varieties, crystal bases and Macdonald polynomials. In this first talk, we will review the classical Casselman-Shalika formula. 报告题目-2:Whittaker functions and Demazure characters 报告时间:2016年5月25日14:00 报告地点:格物楼503 摘要:We will consider how to express an Iwahori--Whittaker function through Demazure characters. Under some interesting combinatorial conditions, we will obtain an explicit formula and thereby a generalization of Casselman--Shalika formula. 报告题目-3:Casselman's basis of Iwahori vectors 报告时间:2016年5月26日14:00 报告地点:格物楼503 摘要:Under the same combinatorial conditions as in the previous talk, we will compute the transition matrix between two natural bases of the Iwahori fixed vectors in a spherical representation of a semisimple p-adic group, considered by Casselman. 简介:Kyu-Hwan Lee副教授,现任职于美国康涅狄格大学数学系。Lee教授的专业领域为无穷维李代数和其表示理论,同时关注该方向和数论领域的交叉。在Hyperbolic Kac-Moody代数方向,Lee教授和他的合作者在国际上处于领先位置,近两年发表了多篇此方向上的创新性的论文。