应苏颖副教授邀请,法国数学家Henry Berestycki院士将访问数学系做学术报告,欢迎感兴趣的师生参见!
报告时间:9月29日 10:00-11:00 报告地点:数学系报告厅,格物楼503 报告题目:Propagation in non homogeneous media and applications
报告摘要:I will start by introducing reaction-diffusion equations, describing the motivation and reviewing the classical theory for homogeneous Fisher and Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piskunov (KPP) equations. A fundamental result is the determination of an invasion speed that governs the asymptotic speed of propagation. This equation plays an important role in a variety of contexts in ecology, biology and physics. A central question in this theory at present is to understand heterogeneous and also non-local versions of such equations. There are many motivations for such extensions that I will describe. I will present several recent results in these directions.
报告人简介:Henri Berestycki,著名偏微分方程专家,美国艺术与科学学院外籍院士,于1975年在巴黎六大获得博士学位,师从泛函分析专家Haim Brezis,先后在芝加哥大学,巴黎六大,十三大,巴黎高等师范任教,2001起,在法国社会科学高等研究院工作。Berestycki教授曾担任巴黎六大数学系系主任,法国社会科学高等研究院院长及该院数学中心主任,现为欧盟ERC高级项目“ReaDi”的负责人;曾(现)任包括Journal of the European Mathematical Society, Journal of Differential Equations等多个期刊的编委;曾获得法国骑士勋章,法国科学院的Sophie Germain奖和Carriere奖,德国洪堡基金的Humboldt-Gay-Lussac奖;在Journal of the American Mathematical Society, Journal of the European Mathematical Society, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics等期刊发表论文130多篇,被引用4500多次(MathSciNet)