报告题目:Noncommutative geometry and topology---a survey 报告时间: 8月1号,上午10:00 报告地点: 哈工大科学园(航天馆)2H楼201会议室 报告摘要:Duality between spaces and algebras of functions on spaces allows to translate topological properties into properties of normed algebras. Commutativity of these algebras is essential for some of the properties, but surprisingly many properties can be used in the noncommutative setting as well. Noncommutative algebras can be viewed as new, non-existing "spaces", while commutative algebras correspond to usual spaces. The profit is twofold. First, we can use many topological properties and invariants to study noncommutative normed algebras. Second, allowing topological constructions for noncommutative "spaces", we can clarify some results in classical (commutative) topology. 报告人简介: Manuilov教授是国际知名的算子代数方面的专家,现任莫斯科国立大学力学数学系高等几何与拓扑学教研室教授,主要研究方向是C*-代数及其拓扑。Manuilov教授于1983年毕业于莫斯科国立大学力学数学系,1987年获数学科学副博士学位,2000年获数学科学博士学位。迄今,Manuilov教授已在Advance in Mathematics、J. Reine Angew. Math.、J. Functional Analysis等国际一流杂志上发表40多篇学术论文,在美国数学会(AMS)出版学术专著1本。现担任哈工大合约教授。 |