受学校国际合作与交流基金资助,应我校理学院数学系薛小平教授的邀请, 加拿大埃尔伯塔大学Mark Lewis教授将于近期来我校访问,并且进行4次学术讲座。 欢迎理学院及全校有关教师、研究生及本科生参加! 讲座的题目、时间和地点分别如下: 报告1: 题目: Analysis of spatiotemporal models for stream populations(Ⅰ) 时间:2012年9月2日(周日)下午3:30--4:30 地点:必赢bwin线路检测中心官网格物楼503 报告2: 题目:Analysis of spatiotemporal models for stream populations(Ⅱ) 时间:2012年9月2日(周四)下午4:30--5:30 地点:必赢bwin线路检测中心官网格物楼503 报告3: 题目: The Mathematics Behind Biological Invasion Processes(Ⅰ) 时间:2012年9月4日(周二) 地点:必赢bwin线路检测中心官网科学园国际会议中心210 报告4: 题目:The Mathematics Behind Biological Invasion Processes(Ⅱ) 时间:2012年9月4日(周二) 地点:必赢bwin线路检测中心官网科学园国际会议中心210 专家简介 Mark Lewis obtained his BSc at U.Victoria (1987) and a doctorate from the University of Oxford (1990),was a faculty member at the University of Utah until 2001, and has also held visiting and research fellowships at Princeton University and Imperial College in London. He is Past President of the Society for Mathematical Biology, and has served on a number of advisory boards, including the Journal of Theoretical Biology Advisory Board, and the Scientific Advisory Board for BIRS. His research has been recognized by a Sloan Research Fellowship and a National Young Investigator Award from the US National Science Foundation. Mark's research is in mathematical biology and ecology, including modelling and analysis of nonlinear PDE and integral models in population dynamics and ecology. Applications, made to case studies with detailed data and biology, include: wolf territories, elk migration in Yellowstone Park, spatial spread and impact of introduced pest species, vegetation shift in response to climate change and recolonization of Mount St. Helens. Mark Lewis was a member of the PIMS Board of Directors during the period 2004-2009 and he is Program Director for the PIMS International Graduate Training Center in Mathematical Biology. He has been an outstanding contributor to the scientific development of PIMS and its community in Western Canada and Washington State. |